PlasmaQuant® MS. Analytikjena — Half Your Argon Consumption with the Eco Plasma

PlasmaQuant® MS. Analytikjena — Half Your Argon Consumption with the Eco Plasma

Half Your Argon Consumption with the Eco Plasma

With a newly designed and advanced RF generator, the PlasmaQuant® MS continues to produce a robust and stable plasma, only now with an argon consumption rate of less than 10 L/min. Able to handle any matrix type including strong acids, volatile organic solvents and high-solid samples, the PlasmaQuant® MS greatly reduces running costs without compromising performance.

  • New and advanced free-running 27 MHz solid-state RF generator
  • Virtual center-grounded plasma eliminates need for torch shield
  • Robust plasma performance with 50 % less argon consumption
  • Lower gas costs, fewer refills and less down time

Learn more about the PlasmaQuant® MS series on



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